About us
An initiative of the charity Wheels for Wheels, its ultimate goal is to donate 40,000 wheelchairs to the children with Cerebral Palsy in Sri Lanka. This is an ambitious and daunting target but Wheels for Wheels strongly believes helping alleviate even some of the pain and suffering young cerebral palsy sufferers endure every day is worth all the effort. Wheels For Wheel each years coupled with Partners and Sponsors organizes Around the Pearl, which is a challenging 10 day cycling ride around Sri Lank spanning 1400km with the primary objective of creating awareness about CP and raising funds for the purchase of wheelchairs. To date funds for 1400 wheelchairs have been raised and 1000 wheel chairs distributed across Sri Lanka.
The wheelchair which was given in this project is a special Paediatric wheelchair with the seat widths of 30 & 35 cms which is not available in Sri Lanka. The seat and the back rest are cushioned. It comes with shoulder and chest harness, waist belts, leg separators, calf cushions and belts. Its easy fold able and comes with hand brakes for the easy use of the carer or parents. This wheelchair was selected carefully and a sample was brought last year and was used in our Dream center at Wattala for 6 months to see the user friendliness, durability and effectiveness. In all the wheelchair camps, parents were instructed and trained on how to use these wheelchairs and its accessories correctly & effectively to get the maximum benefits to their children and the proper positioning of their child in the wheelchair and its importance.
our team:

Alex Gordon
Lead Pastor

Eric Stone
Family Pastor

Dianne Taylor
Director of Women's Ministry
Thomas williams
Lead Pastor

Jennifer Sorrell
Team Youth Director
Edna Doyle
Worship Arts Pastor